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Nairobi Regional Pitch, 6th May, 2017, Safaricom Michael Joseph Centre.

Technovation offers an opportunity to girls between the ages of 10-18 all over the world a chance to learn how to identify a problem in their community and create a mobile app solution to address that problem, and then learn how to communicate these ideas and translate them into a fully launched business.

For the 2017 challenge, teams were asked to consider six themes drawn from the SDGs. These themes include Poverty, Environment, Peace, Equality, Education and Health.
We had two teams representing us and they came up with 2 mobile applications solving problems on the environment and Health.

Team Swappers created the Tusafishe App which was aimed at helping to tackle the problem of poor garbage management and disposal in the City of Nairobi while encouraging recycling as a way of managing the problem of garbage. Evidently this was centred on the SDG on environment. The team business proposition for the application was to target recycling companies and provide them with the garbage they require for their use by connecting them with garbage disposal companies.

Team WOWTechninjas created AFYA-ASAP App which was aimed at curbing the problem of delays in hospitals while waiting to be attended to which results in worsening conditions or sometimes death. The application provides information to users on the hospitals nearest to them and the services currently offered and the range of insurance covers accepted in that facility. This app was centred on the SDG on health.
The two teams did not make it to the top 3 out of 29 teams that participated in the Nairobi Regional Pitch.