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What a Milestone!!!!!!!

The MYP 5 Transition to the Diploma Programme

On Monday, 20 May 2024, our school community came together to celebrate a momentous occasion—the transition ceremony for our MYP 5 students who had successfully completed their eAssessments marking the end of the Middle Years Programme. This colorful and joyous event marked their readiness to embark on the challenging and rewarding journey of the IB Diploma Programme (DP). The celebration was attended by all teachers, non-teaching staff, and students, reflecting the communal spirit of our institution.

The ceremony began with a vibrant display of student talent, featuring songs and dances that filled the morning with energy and excitement. Our MYP 5 students, dressed sharply in their uniforms adorned with bright orange neck sashes, symbolized their successful completion of the Middle Years Programme (MYP). Each student received a Certificate of Completion, acknowledging their hard work and dedication throughout the MYP.

Keynote speeches from the MYP Coordinator, the DP Coordinator, and their Year Level Lead, Student representatives highlighted the significance of this transition. The MYP Coordinator emphasized the holistic development achieved through the MYP, where students have grown intellectually, emotionally, and socially. They have engaged in a rigorous curriculum that fosters critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and a genuine love for learning.

A symbolic handover ceremony was a highlight of the event. The MYP Core team presented a well-nourished young tree to the DP Coordinator and his team, symbolizing the solid foundation laid during the MYP. This tree represents the 132 students, now ready to flourish in the DP with the same care and dedication that nurtured their growth in the MYP.

The event concluded with the cutting of a commemorative cake, shared among the school community, creating a sense of unity and celebration. Memorable photos were taken to capture the essence of this special day.

The Mpesa Foundation Academy community is super proud of the MYP 5 class of 2024 and we wish them all the best in their DP journey. We remind them to enjoy each and every process of their journey. It’s worth it. This celebration is a testament to their achievements and a promising prelude to their future successes. The transition ceremony underscores the importance of recognizing milestones in our students’ educational journeys. Our MYP 5 learners have not only acquired knowledge but also developed key skills and attributes of the IB Learner Profile, such as being inquirers, thinkers, and communicators. As they move forward into the DP, they carry with them a strong foundation, ready to tackle new challenges and continue their path toward becoming globally minded individuals.


Julliet Kithinji

MYP Coordinator